Saturday, February 16, 2008

No more vaccines

Guess it's been a while since I posted. Sorry.
Anyway, here is a link to another video about
It is quite long but well worth it if you have
a baby or child that will be getting shots.
Please educate yourself about what is being
injected into your child. You do have a choice
about vaccinating your child no matter what
they tell you.


  1. yes, but not vaccinating increases the risk for the resurgence of diseases that were once under control. An unvaccinated child was the cause of the recent measle outbreak.

    I am fully up to date with my vaccinations, and I am in excellent health. I rest assured that I will not get polio, mumps, tetanus, rubella, typhoid fever, pertussis, diphtheria, hepatitis, meningitis, hepatitis A and B...

  2. The reason these diseases declined is actually due to increased sanitation and households getting running water. I am happy that you are up to date, but I am sorry to inform you that you will have many more vaccines coming your way if our government has their way. And in case you didn't know, the mercury in all your vaccines is toxic and it does not ever leave your system. It just keeps building up.
