Thursday, July 19, 2012

Train of Thought

  On my way home for lunch, I saw a goose on the side of the road. This seemingly inconsequential thing then sent my mind racing. I'm wondering if this happens to everyone or just me. So, here is this goose. It was all alone. I thought that was odd. This made me wonder if the rest had left already but then I realized that even though it is cold today, it is still the middle of July and they are probably just out swimming in the pond.
  Then I thought about how awesome geese are and marveled at their migrating abilities and how they mate for life and don't leave 1 goose behind by itself if it gets injured, etc, etc. This led me to think how wonderfully nature works when left to its own devices. Everything just hums along, circle of life, and all that. Then I thought that people (modern people) don't fit in. We are like parasites on this planet. I pictured the earth just giving a great big shudder and shaking us all off.
   We are the only living things that leave the planet worse than we found it. Seriously, the animals eat stuff and poop it out and leave behind nourishment to go back into the soil to grow more stuff. But, all we do is make things worse. Even if you are not a giant corporation that is polluting a river, you still use and consume non renewable things. Just think about driving somewhere. Air pollution, noise, earth disrupted so we  have smooth roads to ride on. Etc etc etc.
   I think it is all rather sad. For all of our so called progress, we are worse off than ever. Sure, I love technology and modern conveniences, but at what cost do we enjoy these things?

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